10 Game-Changing Lessons from Two Decades in Design

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Web Design Surrey - Jennie Powell @Tree Duck Design

As a seasoned agency owner, I’ve learned that running a successful design business is about more than just creating stunning visuals. It’s about building relationships, staying adaptable, and never losing sight of why you started in the first place. Today, I’m pulling back the curtain to share some hard-earned wisdom from my journey.

The Learning Never Stops

The digital world is ever changing and innovating, so complacency is the enemy of progress. I’ve found that staying curious and open to new ideas is crucial for keeping your agency relevant and competitive.

  • Read industry publications and blogs
  • Attend workshops and conferences (virtual or in-person)
  • Network with peers and mentors
  • Experiment with new tools and technologies

Remember, every day is an opportunity to learn something new that could give you an edge.

Forging Real Connections is Your Business Lifeline

As a solo entrepreneur, I’ve discovered that building genuine relationships is crucial for both personal sanity and business growth. It’s not just about networking—it’s about creating a support system that fuels creativity and success.

  • Join coworking spaces to surround yourself with like-minded professionals
  • Attend industry meetups and conferences to find potential collaborators
  • Participate in online communities related to your niche
  • Schedule regular catch-ups with fellow freelancers or agency owners

I’ve found that these connections often lead to unexpected opportunities, from project collaborations to invaluable advice during tough times. Plus, having a laugh with people who understand your journey can be a real mood-booster on those challenging days.

Don’t underestimate the power of a good chat over coffee. Some of my best ideas and most fruitful partnerships have sprung from casual conversations with peers. Remember, in this industry, your network is your net worth—so invest time in cultivating those relationships.

The Art of the Breather

In the early days, I fell into the trap of thinking more hours meant more success. But I quickly learned that burnout is a real threat to both personal wellbeing and business growth.

  • Set clear work-life boundaries
  • Schedule regular breaks throughout the day
  • Take proper holidays (and actually disconnect)
  • Encourage your team to do the same

Remember, a well-rested mind is a creative mind. Don’t let the hustle culture fool you into thinking otherwise.

Money Matters (But It’s Not Everything)

While passion is essential, I’ve learned that a healthy focus on finances is crucial for business growth and sustainability.

  • Regularly review your pricing strategy
  • Invest in tools and outsourcing that drive efficiency
  • Don’t be afraid to say no to projects that undervalue your work
  • Set aside funds for future expansion and unexpected challenges

Viewing money as a tool for growth rather than just a reward has transformed how I approach business decisions.

Trust Your Gut (It’s Smarter Than You Think)

Over the years, I’ve developed a keen sense for spotting red flags with potential clients or projects. Learning to trust these instincts has saved me from countless headaches.

  • Pay attention to how potential clients communicate
  • Be wary of those who consistently undervalue your expertise
  • Trust your intuition on project feasibility
  • Don’t be afraid to walk away from opportunities that feel off

Your intuition is built on years of experience—give it the respect it deserves.

Staying True to Your Roots

As your business grows, it’s easy to lose sight of why you started in the first place. I’ve found that regularly reconnecting with my core values and vision keeps me grounded and focused.

  • Revisit your mission statement regularly
  • Don’t chase trends that don’t fit your brand
  • Be authentic in your marketing and client interactions

Authenticity isn’t just a buzzword—it’s the foundation of lasting success.

Embracing the Ebb and Flow

Freelancing is often a rollercoaster of busy periods and quieter times. Learning to navigate these fluctuations with grace has been key to my longevity in the business.

  • Use slower periods for training and development
  • Build a financial buffer for leaner months
  • Diversify your client base to smooth out income
  • Stay proactive in marketing, even when you’re busy

Remember, the only constant in buisness life is change—embrace it rather than fear it.

The Power of Pen and Paper

In our digital-first world, I’ve rediscovered the value of good old-fashioned brainstorming sessions away from the screen.

  • Start projects with sketching sessions
  • Encourage doodling and quick sketches to communicate ideas
  • Keep notebooks handy for sudden bursts of inspiration

Sometimes, the best ideas come when we step away from our computers and let our creativity flow freely.

Two Decades of Growth and Counting

Looking back on 20 years in the design world, I’m grateful for every lesson learned—both the easy ones and the hard ones. Each experience has shaped me into the leader and designer I am today.

Remember, success in this industry isn’t just about design skills—it’s about continuous learning, building strong relationships, and staying true to your vision. Here’s to the next decade of growth and innovation!

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