Squarespace to WordPress: The Unexpected Journey That Transformed My Client’s Business

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Squarespace to WordPress a client story showing the homepage of Spellbound Marketing

Squarespace to WordPress migrations can be daunting, but they can also be game-changers for your business. As a web designer, I’ve seen my fair share of website platforms. But recently, I had an interesting experience that I think many of you might relate to. A client came to me adamant about wanting a Squarespace website. Her reason? She’d worked as a VA (virtual assistant) and had battled with countless poorly built WordPress sites. I totally get it – a bad experience can put you off for life!

But here’s the thing: not all WordPress sites are created equal. Let me share how I turned this Squarespace skeptic into a WordPress enthusiast.

The Squarespace appeal: It’s not just a pretty face

First of all, let’s give credit where it’s due. Squarespace is popular for good reasons:

  1. It’s user-friendly, especially for beginners
  2. The templates look sleek and professional out of the box
  3. It’s an all-in-one solution – hosting, design, and basic functionality in one package

For many small businesses or solopreneurs just starting out, these features are incredibly appealing. And if you’ve had bad experiences with clunky, confusing WordPress sites, Squarespace can seem like a breath of fresh air.

The WordPress reality: It’s all in the build

Here’s the thing – a well-built WordPress site is a completely different beast from the nightmares my client had experienced. When I explained this, she was skeptical but willing to listen. So, we had a chat about what she really needed from her website, both now and in the future.

Turns out, she had some specific functionality in mind that Squarespace couldn’t easily accommodate. She also wanted the flexibility to expand her site as her business grew. That’s when the lightbulb moment happened – she realised that Squarespace to WordPress, when done right, could offer her so much more.

Building a beautiful, user-friendly WordPress site

So, I set out to create a WordPress site that would change her mind. Here’s what I focused on:

  1. Custom design: I created a beautiful, original design that perfectly matched her brand. No cookie-cutter templates here!
  2. User-friendly backend: I built the site with user experience in mind, both for visitors and for my client as the admin. The backend is clean, intuitive, and easy to navigate.
  3. Tailored functionality: I included all the features she needed, using carefully selected plugins that work seamlessly together.
  4. Speed and performance: The site is optimised for speed, ensuring a smooth experience for her visitors.
  5. Future-proofing: I built the site with scalability in mind, so it can grow and evolve with her business.

The game-changer: Handover training

Now, here’s where I think I really won her over. I always include handover training with my WordPress builds. This means I spent time teaching her how to manage every aspect of her new site.

I covered everything from updating content and adding new pages to managing blog posts and tweaking design elements. By the end of our training sessions, she felt confident and empowered to manage her site herself.

The result? A client who went from dreading logging into her website to actually enjoying it!

Ongoing support: Peace of mind

Of course, I understand that not everyone wants to manage their own site all the time. That’s why I offer care plans for clients who prefer ongoing support. This can include regular updates, security checks, and content changes. It’s all about giving you options and peace of mind.

Squarespace to WordPress: A WordPress convert

In the end, my client was thrilled with her new WordPress site. She loved the design, found it easy to use, and appreciated the flexibility it offered for future growth. Most importantly, she no longer associated WordPress with clunky, confusing websites.

Is WordPress right for you?

If you’re an entrepreneur feeling limited by platforms like Squarespace, or if you’ve had bad experiences with WordPress in the past, I’d encourage you to take another look. A well-built WordPress site can offer you:

  1. Unlimited customisation options
  2. Flexibility to add features as you grow
  3. Better SEO capabilities
  4. Full ownership of your site and content
  5. Potentially lower long-term costs

Plus, with the right designer (ahem, like yours truly), you can have a site that’s not only beautiful and functional but also a joy to manage.

Are you ready to fall in love with your website? Whether you’re considering a switch from Squarespace to WordPress or looking to revamp an existing WordPress site, I’d love to chat. Let’s create a website that not only looks great but also makes your life easier and helps your business grow. Drop me a line, and let’s get started!

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